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Trample Database

Writer's picture: shwtguyshwtguy

Updated: Dec 4, 2024


I wanted to start a sort of 'database' of trample guys around the world. Too many of our social media accounts get closed down repeatedly and we lose contact. Hopefully it will be a way to find local guys and international guys when travel is opened back up again.

This database will just be a list for now, organised by country, and might evolve to something bigger later on. I will update it every so often, so if you're interested in being on this, get in touch - either via email ( or send me a message on instagram (shwtguy_official) with your details as per below:

Name: (online name or otherwise, does not need to be your real name)



Position: (choose one: trampler/tramplee/both)



Shoe size:

Your age: (choose one: 18-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50-60, 60+)

Contact: (must be minimum 3 of these to be on list - but as many as you like: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, planetromeo, Email address, Kik, whatsapp, telegram, thisvid, website or other..)




Name: Tommy

City: Buenos Aires Position: Tramplee Weight: 78kg

Height: 180cm Shoe size: EU42 Age: 30-40 Contact:

Instagram: tommy.arg.trampling

Recon: tomyzapas

Name: Joe.doetr

City: Buenos Aires Position: Trampler Height: 178cm Weight: 67kg Shoe size: EU42 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: joe.doetr

Email address:

Twitter: germanbuddy27


Name: Shaun / shwtguy

City: Sydney Position: Trampler (mostly) Weight: 90kg

Height: 185cm Shoe size: US13 / UK12 / EU47 Age: 30-40 Contact:

Instagram: shwtguy_official Twitter: austrampler Facebook: ** Recon: shwtguy Planetromeo: shwtguy Email address: Thisvid: shwtguy Name: Matt Smith

City: Sydney Position: Trampler Height: 196cm Weight: 91kg Shoe size: US11 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: abcdmattsmith Email address: Kik: abcdmattsmith

Name: Nathan

City: Sydney Position: Trampler Height: 164cm Weight: 68kg Shoe size: US10 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: nathans_asian_feet Twitter: SydneyMaleFeet

CoiledFist: nathan_feet

Name: DD

City: Melbourne Position: Both Height: 179cm Weight: 82kg Shoe size: US11 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: melb_foot_boi Email address: Kik: whatthefxck1212 Name: Theseus Jones

City: Melbourne Position: Tramplee Height: 186cm Weight: 110kg Shoe size: US11 Age: 30-40 Contact: Recon: Tartare89 Email address: Kik: theseusjones Discord: TheseusJones#3522

Name: niketnshox

City: Wollongong Position: Tramplee Height: 178cm Weight: 85kg Shoe size: US10 Age: 40-50 Contact: Instagram: niketnshox Facebook: Kik: nospam7676

Name: Jason

City: Adelaide Position: Trampler Height: 183cm Weight: 90kg Shoe size: US10 Age: 18-20 Contact: Instagram: yuansinbad

Twitter: adelyoungdom

Email address:

Whatsapp: +61416447486

Name: Tr / __arcadia

City: Melbourne Position: Tramplee (mostly) Weight: 94kg

Height: 180cm Shoe size: US10.5 / UK9.5 / EU44 Age: 40-50 Contact:

Instagram: kink_armada Twitter: __arcadia

Thisvid: __arcadia

Name: KinkySocks90

City: Brisbane Position: Both Height: 188cm Weight: 130kg Shoe size: US11.5 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: KinkySocks90

Recon: Sockslave90

Whatsapp: +61432761887

Name: Ben

City: Melbourne Position: Tramplee (mainly) Height: 178cm Weight: 80kg Shoe size: US10 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: stompdcnike

Email address:

Kik: ssfmsfj


Name: TMaster / MASTERMAX

City: Antwerp Position: Trampler Height: 189cm Weight: 72kg Shoe size: EU47 Age: 18-20 Contact: Instagram: mastermaxbe Email address:

Twitter: sneaxsoxmaster

Name: Jona

City: Liège Position: Tramplee Height: 182cm Weight: 90kg Shoe size: EU44 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: bassenji85

Planetromeo: bassenji85

Kik: bassenji


Name: Gustavo / MasterPHM

City: Sao Paulo Position: Trampler (mostly) Height: 181cm Weight: 81kg Shoe size: BR42 / US10.5 / EU44 Age: 30-40 Contact: Twitter: MestrePHM Email address: Kik: charles_rudess26 Whatsapp: +5511984051856 Thisvid: mestrephm Name: Stepped

City: Curitiba Position: Tramplee Height: 194cm Weight: 104kg Shoe size: US10.5 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: steppedpisado Facebook: Email address: Name: slavenatal

City: Natal Position: Tramplee Height: 175cm Weight: 70kg Shoe size: US10.5 / 42BR Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: slavenatal Twitter: slavenatal Email address: Whatsapp: +5584991812679 Name: Lú Machado

City: São Paulo Position: Tramplee Height: 170cm Weight: 70kg Shoe size: BR7 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: lulme // macslaveee Email address: Whatsapp: +5511983470712 Name: Leo Veronesi

City: Rio de Janeiro Position: Trampler & Tramplee Height: 170cm Weight: 65kg Shoe size: BR41 / US9.5 / EU43.5 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: veronesi2021 Facebook: Email address:

Name: Tiago Ferreira / Reefkid

City: Porto Alegre Position: Both Height: 179cm Weight: 90kg Shoe size: BR41 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: tiagoreefkid

Twitter: reefkid

VK: reefkid123

Flickr: reefkidbr

Tumblr: reefkidboys

Deviant Art: reefkid

CoiledFist: reefkid

Name: Ygor

City: Sao Paulo Position: Tramplee (mostly) Height: 170cm Weight: 65kg Shoe size: US8 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: leksub_trampling Twitter: Sub_feet96

Email address:

Whatsapp: +5511991159517

Name: CruellStomper

City: Rio de Janeiro Position: Trampler Height: 170cm Weight: 80kg Shoe size: BR41 / US9 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: Cruellstomper Facebook:

Thisvid: Cruellstomper

Name: sneakerandbootsint

City: Sao Paulo Position: Trampler Height: 172cm Weight: 80kg Shoe size: US10 / BR42 Age: 40-50 Contact: Instagram: sneakerandbootsint

Email address:

Twitter: brecabr

Name: Theus

City: Belém Position: Tramplee Height: 168cm Weight: 60kg Shoe size: BR39 Age: 18-20 Contact: Instagram: hey_m.a.t.h.e.u.s

Email address:

Whatsapp: +5591985174515

Name: Bernardo

City: Rio de Janeiro

Position: Tramplee

Height: 160cm

Weight: 54kg

Shoe size: BR37

Age: 30-40


Twitter: bernardo_feet

Thisvid: BernardoFeet


Name: Olidus

City: Sofia Position: Tramplee Height: 174cm Weight: 60kg Shoe size: EU41 / US8 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: sockis.mockis Recon: Olidus

Kik: olidus_

Thisvid: yllems


Name: toBeTrampled

City: Montreal, Quebec Position: Tramplee Height: 172cm Weight: 57kg Shoe size: US9 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: tobetrampled Twitter: tobetrampled Email address: Name: Treads98

City: Burlington, Ontario Position: Tramplee Height: 183cm Weight: 81kg Shoe size: 10 Age: 50-60 Contact: Instagram: treads98 Email address: Youtube: treads98 Name: Mark

City: Halifax, Nova Scotia Position: Tramplee Weight: 285lb Shoe size: US15 Age: 50-60 Contact: Facebook: Email address: Whatsapp: +19025231941 Name: Jaxon

City: Cold Lake, Alberta Position: Tramplee Height: 186cm Weight: 170lb Shoe size: US9.5 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: jaxon61717 Twitter: tblor Email address: Thisvid: bosley2018

Name: Nikeguybr

City: Ottawa, Ontario Position: Both Height: 180cm Weight: 75kg Shoe size: US9.5 Age: 40-50 Contact: Instagram: Nikeguybr Twitter: Nikeguybr Thisvid: Nikeguybr

Youtube: Nikeguybr

Name: Tramplefet

City: Sarnia, Ontario Position: Both Height: 186cm Weight: 340lbs Shoe size: Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: tramplefet

Email address:

Name: SamLi

City: Vancoucer, British Columbia Position: Tramplee

Height: 170cm Weight: 68kg Shoe size: US8.5 Age: 20-30 Contact:


Email address:


Name: slaveincanada

City: Toronto, Ontario Position: Tramplee Height: 178cm Weight: 170lbs Shoe size: US8 Age: 40-50 Contact:

Recon: Dissilient

Twitter: slvincnd


Name: Gabriel / tramplingstgo

City: Santiago de Chile Position: Tramplee (mostly) Height: 170cm Weight: 92kg Shoe size: US10 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: _tramplingstgo

Whatsapp: +56987733238

Telegram: +56987733238


Name: Tony

City: Hong Kong

Country: China

Position: Both (mostly Tramplee)

Height: 183cm

Weight: 78kg

Shoe size: EU44 / UK10 / US11

Your age: 20-30


Twitter: olahfu

Instagram: Xiao Dong Ni / tonyhui0410

Telegram/Whatsapp: +85262153539


Name: Kamil Jahn

City: Prague Position: Tramplee Height: 185cm Weight: 110kg Shoe size: EU46 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: kamiljahn

Email address:

Thisvid: j666ohn


Name: trampleremre

City: Helsinki Position: Trampler Height: 175cm Weight: 73kg Shoe size: EU43 Age: 20-30 Contact: Recon: MasterEmre

Instagram: trampleremre92

Kik: trampleremre

Planetromeo: masteremre

Name: Tyrecrush Newton

City: Jyväskylä Position: Both Height: 178cm Weight: 79kg Shoe size: EU43 Age: 40 Contact:

Instagram: tyrecrushnewton

Thisvid: new_isac


Name: Airmaxkiffeur

City: Angers Position: Tramplee Height: 180cm Weight: 75kg Shoe size: US10.5 / EU44.5 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: airmaxkiffeur Twitter: skets_kiffeur Recon: kifcho7 Name: terre.ronde

City: Paris Position: Tramplee Height: 182cm Weight: 92kg Shoe size: EU45 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: terre.ronde Twitter: lou58731611 Email address:

Name: cne_nemo / MasterTrampler

City: Paris Position: Trampler Height: 186cm Weight: 74kg Shoe size: EU45 / US12 / UK11 Age: 40-50 Contact: Instagram: tramplerGP

Recon: MasterTramplingGP

Planetromeo: tramplerGP

Email address:

Thisvid: MasterFrance

Name: Doormate75

City: Paris

Position: Tramplee

Height: 173cm

Weight: 65kg

Shoe size: EU42

Your age: 20-30


Recon: doormate75

Instagram: sockorgasm

X: doormate75


Name: Andy Trample

City: Bremen Position: Tramplee (mostly) Height: 175cm Weight: 96kg Shoe size: EU42/43 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: andy.trample Facebook: Planetromeo: anutz Kik: hoernchen15 Thisvid: anuzz Name: Martin

City: Paderborn Position: Both Height: 186cm Weight: 86kg Shoe size: EU47 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: sneakermaster95 Twitter: sneakermaster7 Email address: Name: sportyfeet_bln

City: Berlin Position: Both Height: 192cm Weight: 88kg Shoe size: US11.5 / EU45 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: sportyfeet_bln Planetromeo: gr8notstr8

Name: 33candidsneaker33

City: Cologne Position: Tramplee (mostly) / Both Height: 183cm Weight: 83kg Shoe size: EU46 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: 33candidsneaker33 Facebook: Twitter: 33_candid Kik: 33candidsneaker33 Planetromeo: sneakerboy21 Email address: Thisvid: jackson24 Name: socktrample

City: near Munich Position: Tramplee (mostly) Height: 190cm Weight: 99kg Shoe size: EU46 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: socktrample Kik: socktrample Thisvid: socktrample

Name: Gabi

City: Hamburg Position: Tramplee Height: 185cm Weight: 88kg Shoe size: BR44 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: imgabipes

Twitter: grabz10

Email address:

Name: Rob

City: Nuremberg / Munich Position: Tramplee Height: 170cm Weight: 68kg Shoe size: EU41 / US8.5 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: rob_for_you99 Email address:

Snapchat: rhack89

Name: Timstefan

City: Bielefeld Position: Tramplee Height: 191cm Weight: 100kg Shoe size: EU45 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: timstefan77 Twitter: timstefan3

Sneakerbase: timzudemstefan

Name: Daniel

City: Dresden Position: Both Height: 192cm Weight: 85kg Shoe size: EU46 / US12 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: dudes2xist Twitter: DudesDaniel

Email address:

Name: Frank

City: Stuttgart Position: Both (more Tramplee) Height: 185cm Weight: 110kg Shoe size: EU46 Age: 40-50 Contact: Twitter: frank.schweitzer.7

Email address:

Planetromeo: fsstyle

Name: Claus

City: Essen & Cologne Position: Tramplee Height: 172cm Weight: 116kg Shoe size: EU42.5 Age: 40-50 Contact: Instagram: cbagterp


Email address:

Planetromeo: hockeydevot

Telegram: cbagterp


Name: trampledgr

City: Thessaloniki Position: Both Height: 186cm Weight: 210lb Shoe size: US12 Age: 40-50 Contact: Email address:

Viber: +306977277749

Telegram: trampledgr

Name: tramplingathens

City: Athens Position: Tramplee Height: 173cm Weight: 90kg Shoe size: US9 Age: 40-50 Contact: Instagram: greeksneakers Facebook: Planetromeo: kinkysubgr Email address: Thisvid: tramplingathens Sneakerbase: greeksneakers Name: trampledgreek

City: Athens Position: Tramplee Height: 170cm Weight: 60kg Shoe size: EU42 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: trampled_greek Planetromeo: FootSlaveStudentGR Thisvid: TrampledGreek


Name: Vinny

City: New Delhi Position: Both Weight: 78kg

Height: 178cm Shoe size: UK10 Age: 20-30 Contact:

Instagram: indianmasters Email address:

Telegram: SaatBahagia


Name: DuyFag

City: Depok, West Java Name: DuyFag

Position: Tramplee Height: 163cm Weight: 80kg Shoe size: US7.5 / UK6.5 / EU40 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: duy.fagg Twitter: footsla07382331 Facebook: Whatsapp: +6281292401213 Telegram: Duy SubSlave Thisvid: idrus666 Name: bernard.edrick

City: Jakarta Position: Tramplee Height: 173cm Weight: 75kg Shoe size: US10 / EU44 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: bernard.edrick Twitter: tramplemyface1 Facebook:


Name: Master Shayan

City: Tehran Position: Trampler Height: 185cm Weight: 88kg Shoe size: 42 Asia Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: shayan.master.footdom Vk: master_footdom Email address:


Name: Diego

City: Venice Position: Tramplee Height: 181cm Weight: 80kg Shoe size: EU45 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: lucas_fe1999_ Twitter: diegoloss3 Email address:

Name: Mattia Berton

City: Milan Position: Trampler Height: 178cm Weight: 65kg Shoe size: EU42.5 / US9 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: master_mattia Facebook: Email address:

Name: Manuel

City: Verona Position: Both Height: 185cm Weight: 86kg Shoe size: EU46 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: tramplingboyrd

Planetromeo: trampling01

Kik: trampling01

Name: Matt

City: Milan Position: Trampler Height: 173cm Weight: 70kg Shoe size: US9 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: matthieucostla

Planetromeo: mattedoc

Recon: mattedoc


Name: daskiddfrli

City: Tokyo Position: Tramplee Height: 172cm Weight: 62kg Shoe size: US 9 / 27cm Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: daskiddfrli Twitter: dasfeetkid Facebook:

Name: Tokyo Tramplee

City: Tokyo Position: Tramplee Height: 184cm Weight: 85kg Shoe size: EU43 Age: 20-30 Contact: Email: Twitter: Beru_Tokyoslave



Name: Kev / kwmk2015

City: Kuala Lumpur Position: Both (more Tramplee) Height: 178cm Weight: 65kg Shoe size: US10 / EU44 Age: 20-30 Contact: Twitter: KL Trampling GP @smelly_feetsock

Facebook: Email address:


Name: Luke Harris

City: Qawra Position: Tramplee Height: 162cm Weight: 61kg Shoe size: EK9 Age: 18-20 Contact: Instagram: Luke.thelad Twitter: harrisluke137 Email address:


Name: azcuer

City: Mexico City Position: Tramplee (mostly) Height: 1.77cm Weight: 83kg Shoe size: US10 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: azcuer Twitter: Rallyon2 Facebook: Email address:

Name: Omar

City: Guadalajara Position: Both Height: 1.66cm Weight: 70kg Shoe size: US9, MX7.5 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: socksntrampling Thisvid: CleatsBoy Email address:


Name: Maskist

City: Kathmandu Position: Tramplee / Masochist Height: 175cm Weight: 69kg Shoe size: EU42 Age: 30-40, Born 1993 Contact:

Email address:

Recon: Maskist


Name: CutieSocksaddic

City: Auckland Position: Tramplee Height: 178cm Weight: 72kg Shoe size: US10 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: cutiesoxaddic Kik: Koy259

Telegram: Sockywoof

Name: Shayden (SuperbikePup)

City: Auckland Position: Trampler Height: 180cm Weight: 88kg Shoe size: EU45 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: superbikepup Twitter: superbikepup

Recon: superbikepup


Name: Alexander McKinley / whitelover87

City: Stavanger (Oslo if arranged in advance) Position: Tramplee Height: 168cm Weight: 74kg Shoe size: EU41 / UK7.5 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: whitelover87 Twitter: Alex_McKley

Kik: whitelover.87


Name: Sebix Trampler

City: Koszalin Position: Trampler Height: 180cm Weight: 80kg Shoe size: EU43 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: sebix_trampler Facebook: Email address:

Name: Peter

City: Szczecin & Swinoujscie Position: Both Height: 176cm Weight: 75kg Shoe size: US10 Contact: Instagram: pitt_b_trampling Planetromeo: pitt_b


Name: Bart

City: Koszalin Position: Tramplee Height: 176cm Weight: 79kg Shoe size: EU43

Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: bttm4top94 Twitter: bttm4top94

Telegram: bttm4top94


Name: sneakerfanpt

City: Coimbra Position: Tramplee Height: 185cm Weight: 90kg Shoe size: UK11 / US12 / EU46 Age: 40-50 Contact: Instagram: sneakerfanpt

Twitter: sneakerfanpt


Name: sneakerAnj

City: Doha Position: Tramplee Height: 170cm Weight: 70kg Shoe size: US11 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: sneakerlad_doha

Email address:

Whatsapp: +94786870166


Name: Jon

City: Singapore Position: Tramplee Height: 171cm Weight: 58kg Shoe size: US8 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: joinjonjon Kik: joinjonjon Telegram: contact_me_on_tele Thisvid: joinjonjon

Name: looking4sneakerlads

City: Singapore Position: Trampler Height: 184cm Weight: 95kg Shoe size: EU46 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: looking4sneakerlads_01 Twitter: looking4sneake1

Recon: looking4bttm

Planetromeo: Looking4bttm


Name: rundgren

City: Gijón, Principality of Asturias Position: Tramplee Height: 174cm Weight: 70kg Shoe size: EU42 Age: 40-50 Contact: Instagram: rundgrensp Facebook: Planetromeo: hardastur Email address: Thisvid: bootslave Name: Oscarcuton

City: Barcelona Position: Tramplee Height: 172cm Weight: 75kg Shoe size: EU42 Age: 40-50 Contact: Instagram: oscarcuton Twitter: juangusar Facebook: Email address: Thisvid: oscarcuton

Name: barefootlover

City: Madrid & Mallorca Position: Tramplee Height: 180cm Weight: 88kg Shoe size: EU43 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: barefootlover1

Thisvid: barefootlover

Name: SneaksnBoots

City: Madrid Position: Trampler Height: 187cm Weight: 90kg Shoe size: US11 Age: 40-50 Contact: Instagram: SneaksnBoots Twitter: SneaksnBoots

Recon: SneaksnBoots

Name: SpanishMasterTrampler

City: Barcelona Position: Trampler Height: 183cm Weight: 87kg Shoe size: US9.5 / EU43 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: spaniard_sn3akers

Email address:

Planetromeo: lopeis

Name: Trampling_bcn

City: Barcelona Position: Tramplee Height: 169cm Weight: 59kg Shoe size: EU43 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: trampling_bcn Twitter: trampling_bcn87

Recon: tramplingbcn87


Name: swedishcony

City: Lysekil Position: Tramplee Height: 176cm Weight: 100kg Shoe size: EU43 Age: 40-50 Contact: Instagram: swedishcony Email address: Whatsapp: +460761038082

Name: Slave

City: Jönköping Position: Tramplee Height: 170cm Weight: 65kg Shoe size: EU42 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: boyyan97 Facebook:

Email address:


Name: dogsslave

City: Fribourg & Basel (sometimes in Berlin, Germany) Position: Tramplee Height: cm Weight: 79kg Shoe size: EU43 / US9.5 / UK9 Age: 40-50 Contact: Instagram: dogsslave Planetromeo: dogsslave Recon: dogsslavech


Name: zhboy19

City: Zürich Position: Tramplee Height: 188cm Weight: 75kg Shoe size: EU43 Age: 18-20 Contact: Instagram: zhboy19 Email address:

Kik: switzerland8888

Name: Spike

City: Locarno Position: Tramplee Height: 190cm Weight: 98kg Shoe size: EU47 / US12.5 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: ilmoltens_87

Twitter: Spike_dog_87

Whatsapp: +41798131338

Name: skinZH (Pascal)

City: Zurich Position: Tramplee (beginner) Height: 184cm Weight: 120kg Shoe size: EU45 Age: 40-50 Contact:

Email address:

Recon: skinzh

Twitter: Skin_ZH

Gayromeo: skinzh-reloaded

Name: underyourfeet

City: Zurich Position: Tramplee Height: 181cm Weight: 83kg Shoe size: EU44 Age: 40-50 Contact: Instagram: underyourfeet

Email address:

Gayromeo: subzh


Name: Master N

City: Bangkok Position: Trampler Height: 170cm Weight: 75kg Shoe size: EU41 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: pinyanajohn

Twitter: peerapin2

Name: iamrossw

City: Phuket Position: Tramplee Height: 190cm Weight: 95kg Shoe size: EU46 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: iamrossw Twitter: SlaveinPhuket Recon: nikeeeairmax


Name: bigtramplefun

City: Istanbul Position: Both Height: 180cm Weight: 85kg Shoe size: EU44 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: bigtramplefunistanbul Twitter: bigtramplefuntr Planetromeo: bigtramplefun Email address: Whatsapp: +905353962697


Name: John Trampler

City: Liverpool Position: Trampler Height: 178cm Weight: 92kg Shoe size: UK11 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: ShoeMasterJ Twitter: ShoeMasterJ Facebook: Recon: ShoeMasterJ

Name: Birdyj123 (TrampleTalk here)

City: Manchester, England Position: Tramplee (mostly) Height: 178cm Weight: 79kg Shoe size: UK9 Age range: 20-30 (28) Contact: Instagram: jakey9212 Twitter: jakebird Kik: birdy2512 Thisvid: birdyj123

Name: Jason / VictimBoy (TrampleTalk here)

City: Manchester, England Position: Tramplee Height: 175cm Weight: 75kg Shoe size: US9.5 / UK9 / EU43.5 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: victimboyuk Facebook: ** Email address: Website:

Name: Valentin / vsoleft

City: London Position: Tramplee Height: 175cm Weight: 55kg Shoe size: UK7 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: vsoleft Twitter: vsoleft Planetromeo: valentinosole Recon: boyunderfoot Telegram: vsoleft Name: Sneakerjay90

City: Lancashire, England Position: Trampler & Tramplee Height: 183cm Weight: 80kg Shoe size: UK8.5 / EU43 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: sneakerjay90 Facebook: Recon: sneakerjay90 Email address: Kik: sole_slave Thisvid: jaysole Name: Pup Bowser

City: London, England Position: Tramplee Height: 188cm Weight: 80kg Shoe size: UK11 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: pup_bowser Recon: feetsub91 Email address:

Name: airmaxboi

City: London Position: Tramplee Height: 175cm Weight: 90kg Shoe size: UK11 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: airmaxboi Recon: jpairmax Email address:

Name: trampleman

City: Brighton, England Position: Both Height: 180cm Weight: 94kg Shoe size: UK11 / US12 / EU46 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: trampleman1 Recon: trampleman2 Email address:

Name: Tom

City: London, England Position: Both Height: 175cm Weight: 85kg Shoe size: UK9 / US10 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: rug_boi Kik: walkonme2 Recon: standonme2

Name: Crush1Me

City: Sheffield Position: Tramplee Height: 198cm Weight: 115kg Shoe size: UK12 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: crush1me

Recon: crush1me Email address: Twitter: crush1me

Name: SmashmanJr

City: Sheffield, England Position: Tramplee Height: 178cm Weight: 70kg Shoe size: UK12 Age: 20-30 Contact:

Instagram: SmashmanJr

Twitter: MasterTrample

Recon: TrampleMeNow

Fetlife: under_tires

Planetromeo: Trampleme

Name: Blaize Kennedy

City: Leicester Position: Tramplee Height: 173cm Weight: 56kg Shoe size: UK8 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: blaize.dayz Recon: Chocobo

Name: Mitchell Thomas

City: Norwich, England Position: Both Height: 170cm Weight: 82kg Shoe size: UK7 Age: 20-30 Contact: Email address:

Recon: mitchellthomas

Name: Sneakerfan330

City: London Position: Tramplee Height: 170cm Weight: 56kg Shoe size: UK9 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: Sneakerfan330

Twitter: Sneakerfan330

Recon: Sneakerfan330

Kik: RUSTAboiAlex

Name: Jarred Britslave

City: Croydon, London Position: Tramplee Height: 180cm Weight: 70kg Shoe size: UK9 Age: 30-40 Contact: Twitter: britslave5

VK: Brit Slave

Thisvid: Marlman

Name: Nikefandan

City: Manchester, England Position: Tramplee Height: 180cm Weight: 120kg Shoe size: UK10 Age: 40-50 Contact: Instagram: Nikefandan Kik: danj77 Telegram: danj0127

Name: sneaker.tramp

City: Plymouth, England Position: Both Height: 175cm Weight: 88kg Shoe size: US10.5 Age: 50-60 Contact: Instagram: sneaker.tramp Kik: sneaker.tramp Recon: tramplingonly

Planetromeo: plh-discovering

Name: Trampled Rug

City: Kent, England Position: Tramplee (mostly) Height: 180cm Weight: 85kg Shoe size: UK10 Age: 60+ Contact: Email:


Name: John / mnslave79

City: Zimmerman, Minnesota Position: Tramplee & Slave Height: 178cm Weight: 190lbs Shoe size: US11.5-12 Age: 40-50 Contact: Instagram: mnslave79 Twitter: mnslave79 Email address: Whatsapp: +17634395491 Name: Nick

City: Lexington, Kentucky Position: Tramplee Height: 178cm Weight: 240lbs Shoe size: US13 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: Twitter: nickdunn859 Email address: Name: crewsockslover87

City: Minneapolis, Minnesota Position: Tramplee Height: 175cm Weight: 130lbs Shoe size: US8.5 / EU40 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: crewsocklover87 Twitter: crewsocklover87 Recon: cjroxas87 Name: Zac

City: Wooster, Ohio Position: Tramplee (mostly) Height: 175cm Weight: 255lb Shoe size: US10 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: sockzeez Twitter: zactiago16 Thisvid: tinyfan

Name: CollegeDudesFeet

City: San Antonio, Texas Position: Trampler & Tramplee Height: 178cm Weight: 145lbs Shoe size: US11 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: CollegeDudesFeet DeviantArt: CollegeDudesFeet Reddit: CollegeDudesFeet Name: Nike Trample

City: New York Position: Trampler & Tramplee Height: 175cm Weight: 145lbs Shoe size: US9.5 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: iliketrample Twitter: iliketrample Thisvid: iliketrample

Name: feet.trampled

City: Orlando, Florida Position: Tramplee Height: 165cm Weight: 150lb Shoe size: US8 Age 20-30 Contact: Instagram : feet.trampled Recon : luitom Kik : luitom11 Name: Ninjaxtx

City: Seattle, Washington Position: Tramplee Height: 193cm Weight: 287lbs Shoe size: US14 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: Ninjaxtx

Twitter: Ninjaxtx

Recon: Ninjaxtx

Telegram: Ninjaxtx

Kik: Ninjaxtx

Email address:

Name: Roxas48

City: Orlando & West Palm Beach, Florida Position: Both Height: 175cm Weight: 85kg Shoe size: US11 Age: 18-20 Contact: Instagram: Roxas48

Twitter: Roxas 481

Kik: Roxas48

Thisvid: Roxas48

Name: Jeremy

City: New York City, New York. Also Shanghai, China. Position: Both / More Tramplee Height: 183cm Weight: 78kg Shoe size: US9 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: jeremychen0303 Twitter: sottoipieni

Wechat: Lacoste_S

Name: Tom / Stomps4Me

City: Charleston, South Carolina Position: Tramplee Height: 178cm Weight: 190lbs Shoe size: US10.5 Age: 40-50 Contact: Facebook:

Email address:

Kik: Stomps4Me

Thisvid: Stomps4Me

Youtube: Stomps4MeNow

Name: Kurt

City: Elmira, New York Position: Tramplee (brutal) Height: cm Weight: 210lbs Shoe size: US10 Age: 40-50 Contact:

Email address:

Thisvid: Hot4Alpha

Recon: Ruffmeup69

Name: DJ

City: Los Angeles, California Position: Tramplee (mostly) Height: 175cm Weight: 240lbs Shoe size: US11 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: __hi_DJ Kik: _dj365

Email address:

Thisvid: LaTrampleSub

Name: TrampledAaron

City: Madison, Wisconsin Position: Both Height: 173cm Weight: 170lbs Shoe size: US10 Age: 40-50 Contact: Instagram: aaron_english_70

Email address:

Recon: TrampledUnderfoot77

Thisvid: TrampledUnderGuys

Name: Trmpme

City: San Jose, California Position: Tramplee Height: 185cm Weight: 165lbs Shoe size: US10.5 Age: 30-40 Contact: Instagram: trmpme

Email address:

Recon: trmpme

Scruff: trmpme

Name: crownfeet

City: Miami, Florida Position: Both but prefer Trampler Height: 165cm Weight: 150lbs Shoe size: US9 Age: 20-30 Contact: Instagram: crownfeet23

Twitter: crownfeet23

Kik: Venom2396

Name: Chaz Frosh

City: Lexington, KY Position: Tramplee Height: 183cm Weight: 193lbs Shoe size: US9.5-10 Age: 30-40 Contact: Email:

X: chazfrosh

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