Surprise! I have been working on this TrampleTalk the past few months with the help of a couple trample friends. They chose some questions from previous TrampleTalks, and made up a few of their own. We've put it all together in a similar format, with some previously unseen content. We talk about my trample history and how some of my sessions unfolded over the last few years.
As an additional surprise, there's also a discount code for 25% off my Bentbox videos hiding in the post somewhere! But it will only be active for the next 2 weeks.
Tell us about yourself.
I am in my late 30's, living in Sydney Australia. I'm currently 90kg with size US13 feet. I work as a photographer and I have been involved with trampling all my life it seems.

What is the meaning behind 'shwtguy'?
There is no special meaning behind it. When I was 17 I created an online identity, "Shaun Willis-Thompson". So that's where the SHWT came from. I don't know why I ran with shwtguy, it might have been an early email address. It's just something that stuck and I think it's too late to change it now. Before I created my Bentbox page I applied to a similar site to create a profile to sell videos. They saw shwtguy and thought it meant I was going to sell scat videos, so they denied me. I never considered it would be mistaken for that. That's how I ended up on the Bentbox site. Lately I have dropped the 'guy' and I'm trying to just use SHWT.
You've been into trampling all your life? What's your earliest memory of trampling?
Yes, it's always been a thing for me. I have vivid memories of trampling on and being trampled by a kid, Hayden, who lived on my street. I would have been around 7/8 years old at the time, he was a year older. There were a lot of kids on this street but I hung out with him more often. Around the side of my house was a gate that was about the same height as us. To be able to look over the gate, we had to stand on each other. We used to play a version of hide and seek with the rest of the kids on the street. I don't remember who came up with the idea, but somehow during these games we would stand on each other at the gate. The other kids would come looking for the one on the ground, and whoever was the 'trampler' would pretend to be clueless. The other kids couldn't see who was being stood on, or even realise it was happening. Halfway up the gate was a piece of wood running horizontally. We could stand on it while holding on to the top and jump off. I remember Hayden wanting to jump off that onto me, but I was too scared of getting hurt then. I have a feeling I was on the ground more, but I definitely stood on him too. I've got no idea how it started between us.

You wouldn't have known what you were doing back then though right? That is quite a young age.
Of course not, I was far from puberty then. I remember knowing that I liked it but had no idea why, I did not understand it. I'm not sure I totally understand it to this day even.
When did you become more self aware or realise that this is a fetish for you?
I started to realise something was up when I hit puberty. I was not fantasising about girls like my classmates were. Instead, I was fantasising about the boys in my class and their feet and footwear, being walked all over, etc. Just like many of the other guys here, I felt like I was the only one being turned on by these things. I've told this story before, but when my family got our first computer with dial up internet in the early 00's, I found myself searching feet websites. I came across and while browsing the site, I found a photo set of Ray trampling on Doug Gaines (website owner). I can still clearly see the images. It was the first time I had seen trampling content, also the first time I heard the word trampling. I remember being elated that I wasn't the only one into this. From here I discovered more sites, Stomp'mania was a big one for me, extremskater, and finding videos by frenchtrampler / cne_nemo and PilotBoots online. I also started talking to guys online with similar interests. The problem was all these people were literally on the other side of the world from me.
Do you remember your very first trampling session? How did it happen, who was it with, etc.?
I was 17 and using chat rooms to talk with guys in or near my area. I found a guy, Alex, living in a major city about 2-hour drive away. He was Canadian, and had moved abroad to study. I think he was around 23/24 and not into trampling or even anything feet related. He was just a very open-minded guy who was fascinated with kinks in general and wanted to see what trampling was about. I was halfway through my final year at high school, and looking at universities to apply to, some in the same city where he lived. I came up with an idea to meet him. I lied to my parents about going to check out a university up there, instead I drove straight to his accommodation for trampling. It wasn't the first time I had been stood on but it was the first time I was properly trampled - someone standing on me with intent and knowing that I liked it. I was there for an hour or two. He was approximately 70kg with size 9/10 feet. He walked and trampled all over me in several pairs of footwear, also socks and barefoot. He jumped on me, stood on my head, made me sniff his sneakers which had an incredible smell. He was also my first kiss. I think I was pretty lucky with my first trample and experience, it went really well and I was even more hooked after that.
It sounds like an ideal first trample. Did you end up living in the same city and do more trampling with him?
After that first session I remember thinking how amazing it would be to stay in the same accommodation as he did and get trampled regularly, but I never saw him again. I tried to organise another trip but it didn't work. Also I ended up in a different city for university, so our paths never crossed again. Although many years later I found him online and had an interesting chat. He told me our session had got him more into domination (both roles). He showed me a pic of himself tied up and some guy using him as a footrest, which blew my mind.
Do you think he developed the fetish after your meet?
To be fair I haven't talked to him since so I don't know, but he said he really enjoyed it and had experimented more after our session.

How big is this fetish for you? Do you have any other fetishes?
Trampling is my number 1 fetish. I am not into any other kink as much as trampling. I also enjoy sneaker/sock/feet play with the right guy, but this is closely related. Nipple play can be fun. I don't have any other fetishes unfortunately.
You've obviously been trampled before. From your content we see you trampling on others a lot. How would you describe your trampling position these days?
When I first got into the scene, I was mostly a tramplee. I would get trampled by various guys including some dominant guys. It was these sessions that made me realise I was a bad sub. I was too controlling from the floor, for example: telling them where to stand, how to stand, the intensity of the trampling. Dominants did not enjoy being told what to do by me or me controlling every aspect of the session. I had already trampled on guys myself but not a lot at that point. I started organising sessions as a trampler and I realised I really enjoyed that position. I knew how different positions felt and I enjoyed doing that to someone and seeing them either enjoy it or struggle with it, or both. In the world of trampling I think it is shame to be just trampler or just tramplee. There is never enough of us around to satisfy trampling needs, so if two tramplees live near each other - they should take turns at being trampler for each other. I've often heard people say a tramplee can make a great trampler.
These days I will only be tramplee if it's an interesting situation like meeting a famous trampler or if I really like the guy.

How often do you trample?
Usually about once a fortnight, unless a tramplee is visiting Sydney. Then it's more frequent when that happens, several times a week if they can handle it.
Let's talk in more detail about your sessions. Do you remember your early sessions as a trampler?
Yes, the very first person I trampled was Josh Sneaker from I would have been around 18/19. I trampled him a few times over the years. His tolerance wasn't the best, but I still trampled all over him quite hard. I remember one of the first videos we made. I was trampling on his head in his garage, but I was holding onto something above my head to take most of my weight. We didn't realise until we watched the video later that it was very obvious I wasn't full weight on him. His head hardly moved!
Is there a session that stands out as a favourite for you, and if so why?
Honestly I've had so many sessions over the years now it is really hard to narrow it down to one. Ask me on a different day and the answer could be different, but for now I would say the Dice Game sessions. We've done a few of them now and they're all different but fun. The unpredictability of the dice; the range of different trample actions that are chosen and could happen; the reaction of the tramplee as he hears what has been rolled each time. It's exciting. The one that stands out for me is also the most popular video on my Bentbox to date, Box 200: Dice Game 2.

How was it? Who is in this video?
That was a polish guy who came to Australia for a holiday. It was a really hot session. Phil and Zac joined me and we wore triple red sneakers on him. He was a slim guy but quite strong, not really complaining with any of our actions. I remember one of the rolls was 30 seconds standing on the head… I think Phil got this one first. He not only stood on his head full weight, but twisted his sneakers throughout the 30 seconds. I laughed as it wasn’t supposed to be like that but it worked well. The grunts he would make when Phil was twisting on his head.. you could tell he was suffering. I think he nearly started crying at one point, you can hear it in the video. The 3 of us Masters egging each other on, laughing at the doormat's fate. There was a new rule introduced in Dice Game 2 where if we rolled a double (2x '4' for example) we could either choose the action that corresponded to the total, or choose any action on the list. Of course we all wanted the one that would inflict the most amount of pain, the kick to the balls. Unfortunately for him a few doubles were rolled.
Do you think the polish guy regretted agreeing to the session if he was crying?
Oh no, he was very much into it. We used Vapormax sneakers on him too. I've talked with him a few times since and we would like to meet up again in the future for more of the same.

How did the dice game start?
A slave of mine, probably my longest serving slave, came up with the idea. He lives in Melbourne and visits semi regularly. He wanted to play this sort of game but with other actions in there too aside from trampling, like sitting, spitting, etc. He can’t take a lot of trampling but makes up for it in other creative ways. The Doormat Golf videos were his idea too. He was also the first to buy me a pair of sneakers.
What happens in a session of Doormat Golf?
It's not a hard trampling session, good for tramplees who can't handle a lot and like a bit of humiliation and spit. Basically we play 18 rounds, where each trampler walks up their body, stopping on the chest. The doormat opens his mouth wide, and the trampler tries to spit directly into his mouth. If it goes right into the mouth, that is 1 point. If it hits the side of his mouth, that is 5 points. If it completely misses the mouth, that is 10 points. The other players can try and sabotage each other by kicking the doormat in the balls or doing other actions to try and make the doormat move and miss the spit. At the end, the trampler with the lowest score wins and gets to freestyle trample the doormat however he likes at the end.

This slave has some really good ideas. Are there any new ideas coming up that you can tell us about?
We have been discussing some different ideas, something around an exercise workout and another around food. Watch this space.

Other than the Dice Game, what other scene has been popular and why?
The 'Rough Slave Treatment' series I did was quite popular. Most guys seem to want to see intense rough trampling and stomping, maybe because it's more taboo? Maybe because it's hard to find? For me I find it hard to meet guys who want to receive that sort of treatment. This particular slave was an interesting one. Sydney is a large city, and he literally lives in the next block over from me. I can walk to his door in less than 5 minutes. I don't know for sure but I think he used to take some sort of drug and then message late at night wanting to meet for a trample. His messages were often long and full of gibberish, hardly making any sense. I'd often be fast asleep, but occassionally I got to meet him for good sessions. His favourite was getting hogtied and then kicked, particularly in the face. It was the first time I'd ever done that and it was exhilarating. Some of my kicks to his face and body were full force. There's a moment in Box 169: Rough Slave Treatment (Round 2 - Part 1) where his face is towards the camera and my sneaker on top of his head. I tell him to smile for the camera before starting a round of kicks. I had a lot of messages from people saying how much they liked that part.

Do you still meet up with him?
I haven't seen him in a couple years. Occassionally I see him around the neighbourhood so I assume he is in the same place, but when I reached out to him previously he says he doesn't do that kind of thing anymore. Makes me wonder if our last session was too rough! It's a shame as he is so close.
What about a favourite session as a tramplee?
I became very good friends with a guy called Aaron many years ago. We did a lot of trampling together over a few years. He was a straight guy but I found him on craigslist and he was happy to get involved for money. I taught him how to trample and he became very good at it. He was also near identical in stats to me, same height and shoe size, similar weight. The first time I met him he trampled me, I was not expecting much from him as it was his first time. I had given him a few instructions online and figured I can direct him from the floor, but there was no need. He didn't hesitate at all, really went for it. I felt like he was a very natural trampler and was confident with how he stepped. It's a real sweet spot when you find a trampler that you don't have to direct. We went on to trample a lot of visitors to the city together which was even better. There was a very brutal session with Cliff Edge - which are actually some of the very first videos I posted on Bentbox.

What was it like trampling Cliff Edge? Is he still active?
He was a good tramplee. He could take a lot of hard action, but I remember he would stop when he wanted to. He was one of the first tramplees I met who I could really unleash on. When I would think to myself, 'this guy is handling it.. go harder'. It's a nice feeling when you are not limiting your stomps or jumps beacuse you think they can't take it.
Based on his twitter he seems to be doing sessions and active.

There's a photo that you use a lot with four guys in white socks trampling someone. Can you tell us how that session came about?
Yes that was with Piotr (pitt_b_trampling) on his second trip to Australia. Box 127: 330kg on 70kg - 8 Feet 1 Slave. We had organised a few guys to join one night for a small trampling party. Fun fact, Aaron was one of them - the guy I mentioned earlier who I knew from years prior. He's the one with the tattoos. We spent a few hours hanging out and trampling, Piotr took a hammering that night. It was 330kg in total on him. We did a video with sneakers and then another one with the white socks (his favourite). Imagine 8 feet stomping and crushing you relentlessly.. you're going to feel that for a few days afterwards. Aaron and I were pretty confident walking all over him with our previous experience, the other two were fairly new to it but were into feet and feet related kinks so everyone had a good time. It can be difficult for space with 4 guys on 1 slave but it was enjoyable trying different positions and knowing he was getting really crushed.

What about the session with the balloons? Box 167: Balloon Trample. I thought that was such a hot idea.
That was a really fun couple of days. The sub came down from Queensland to visit for a few days. We did sessions across 3 days while he was here so it was a lot. The balloons might have been his idea actually, I can't recall. Over the course of his stay I got different guys I know to join in, either as tramplers or tramplees. With the balloons I was blowing them up before my trampler friend arrived so we could get straight into it. We pinned them all to his clothes, set the cameras up and started to film.. and immediately I thought it was too loud. It sounded like gunfire going off as we stomped the balloons on top of him. I actually stopped a few seconds into it, we were in a hotel and I was concerned the noise would be an issue. I didn't want someone walking in the door to see what we were doing. We discussed it for a couple of minutes and then decided fuck it.. let's just do it, it's only 10 minutes. So I replaced the balloons that were popped and got back to it. My friend wasn't into trampling like we were, but I used to pay him to join in for videos.. even though he didn't get turned on by it, he enjoyed it. He would often go harder than me on the subs. Anyway, we stomped the shit out of this sub with balloons pinned to him... continuing until they were all popped. Shoving our sneakers in his face and in his mouth. Trampling his body even after the balloons were gone. The pins likely pushing into his body. I would like to do the balloon idea again one day.
This trampler friend who would go harder than you, do you still play with him?
I did quite a few videos with him but unfortunately we have lost contact now, he stopped replying to messages.
This sub who visited was also in Box 171: Couch Trample too right?
Yes, you can tell as he wasn't bothered to wear a mask. He took such a beating over several days. He told me that when he returned to work he had to make excuses to his work colleagues for the marks on his face. Something about being drunk and his friends in Sydney pushing him down a bank.

How did the couch idea come about?
That was definitely one of his ideas. Luckily the hotel had good couches for this. They weren't too heavy to manoeuvre on top of him, once in place it was easy to sit or stand on the couch with some balance. We actually did this twice, one time with me just on top of him, and another day with 2 trampler friends bouncing and trampling on the couch, on top of him (Box 175: 245kg + Couch). He seemed to handle it quite well. I would stand up on the couch, bounce, then jump and land on my arse on the couch. With such a large flat surface pushing into him rather than soles of shoes, the weight distribution must have been easier, although the total weight would have been a lot. I also sat there a while with my sneakers or socks on his face, using it as a footstool, watching the TV.

Do you know what the total weight was on top of him?
This I am unsure of unfortunately as I do not know the weight of the couch. It would have been a few hundred kg for sure.
What about the 45kg guy and all the videos you do with him. How did you meet him? Is he really only 45kg?
I got lucky there, he's a french sub who moved to Sydney. He found me on instragram somehow and reached out, that's where we first met. I think he messaged a couple of weeks before arriving. I remember thinking maybe he is not for real, I get a lot of messages from guys saying they will come to Sydney and they never do. Anyway, a few weeks later I am meeting him at his flat in Sydney for the first trample. He is in his 20's, a small skinny guy.. I have never put him on scales to weigh him but I would believe he is 45kg. He is much shorter than me and small, but I knew he had some trampling experience as his previous trample master reached out to me and told me what he likes. The first time I trampled him, he came without touching himself within 5 minutes.
Did you keep trampling him?
Well, no we stopped. It was the first time meeting him and I assumed once he cum it is the end. In the following sessions he would jerk off before so as to not cum too early again. I think the second session he lasted around 20 minutes or so which was better. Although I know in some later sessions he had cum with his pants on and I did not realise until the end, I had kept trampling completely unaware. He never tried to stop me.

In Box 220 does he really cum from the trampling?
Yes, I’m trampling on his stomach in socks and without me touching his dick or him touching himself .. he shoots his load. It wasn’t a hard session, but the weight must be quite intense. Something about getting his stomach trampled that really hits the spot for him and I know it's a common thing, look at the guys into gutpunching. I know some trample guys who say their g spot is in their stomach!

You've done a lot of different videos with him, is there a favourite one?
Tough one again, but maybe Box 199: 90kg on 45kg - Command Air Force. Size difference was never something that specifically appealed to me until I met this 45kg slave. I went out and got some chunky sneakers on purpose to really emphasise our size difference. I enjoy looking down and seeing both sneakers covering a large area of his body, or his head completely disappearing under one sole. This particular session we used the Nikes and I also had some Uptempos I used in a different video that day. I loved how huge they looked on him. The Command Air Force video was the first time I jumped off something on to him, using the stairs nearby. He didn't know it was coming. I started off on the lower stair, but gradually went up higher and jumped off onto him. I was feeding off the look in his eyes as he realised what was about to happen. The way he tensed his body in fear. He was surprised he could handle it but I knew he would be fine.
How did you know he would be fine? Something could have gone wrong?
We'd done a few sessions by that point and he is pretty tough. He can handle more than he realises. He is a really good sport as he lets me try all sorts of different footwear on him, when all he actually wants is socks or barefoot. I even trampled him in roller blades recently, I will publish that video in the near future.

Roller blades! That must have hurt, did he handle it ok?
Not really. He was struggling, I imagine they are very painful. I enjoyed watching the struggle and again the size of them on his small frame. I could feel when the wheels would roll over his ribs.
You have had size difference with trampling previously though when you trampled on Jon. He was 56kg.
Yes but I guess I didn't notice it as much as I do with the 45kg tramplee. Jon was very strong and could take a lot of jumping and hard action, which surprised me at first. I won't talk too much about the Jon sessions as there is a whole blog post (here) about it. We chat about our different perspectives from the same experiences. "I did not need to fantasise about more or imagine the worst that could happen to me because it was already happening. It was so intense, I had to keep up with it."

What area of the body is your favourite to trample on and why?
I've always thought the head was a lot of fun. Not many guys can handle it, so when you find someone who can it's exciting. It feels degrading and humiliating for them. This year I've had the opportunity to do ballbusting which was hilarious. The aftermath of a kick to the balls and the noises they make are very entertaining.
Both sound quite painful. Would you say you are a sadist?
I definitely have a sadistic streak when it comes to trampling, I like to push their limits. But otherwise I'm pretty friendly. Limits and fantasies are discussed prior to sessions.

What is your go to footwear to use when trampling?
Sneakers would be my favourite. I don't often enjoy the feeling of the tramplee through my feet or socks. For some reason it makes me feel unstable or my balance isn't as good as it is when I'm in footwear. It's also more comfortable for me which is how it should be. Some sneakers you can still feel the tramplee through the soles. It's nice when you stand on a head full weight and the sneaker sole bends around the tramplee's head. I like using boots as well but you feel nothing at all through those, which works for me too. If I'm feeling mean or the tramplee wants something a bit more brutal, the boots are excellent.
What is your favourite pair of sneakers?
I really don't have a favourite. I'm happy with most Nikes and always had a soft spot for Adidas Hardcourt hightops.

Is there a session where something didn't go to plan or something went wrong?
So many times! Where to start. I remember a guy came to my house once, asking for a rough and brutal trample with hardcore verbal humiliation. I thought this guy was going to be able to handle it well from the way he was talking. I teared into him with the verbal as I stomped all over him and he must have panicked or the reality did not line up with his fantasy, because he up and left within 5 minutes and I never heard from him again. There's also the times where afterwards I discovered I had cracked a guy's rib, on two separate occasions (different subs). I also attempted an unusual video once where I had the shirtless sub lay down on a big sheet of plastic, and put different coloured body paint by his sides. The idea was that I would wear an old pair of white airmax90s, step in the different paints, and walk all over his body (the 'canvas') to create an artwork. What I hadn't anticipated was the slipperiness of the paint on his skin.. it was so unstable and hard to do, I kept slipping. I also forgot that once enough colours are mixed together it just turns to a brown mess. It was a good idea in theory but really did not work.

You cracked a guys ribs from trampling?
I feel like I've told this story so many times. It's really not anything remarkable, as is the case with cracked rib stories. I wasn't even tramping them very hard, it must have just been the angle that was wrong. I did not notice anything unusual both times. The subs said the same thing, but it wasn't until a week or so later when they realised they were still sore. I have done some very hard action which hasn't resulted in any injuries. Must have been bad luck on both of those occasions.
The paint sounds like a fun idea, will you release that video even if it was bad?
No, it's totally unusable. Terrible action.
What did you end up doing with the Airmax90s after session?
I actually threw them away.. they were old and not that interesting, I couldn't be bothered to clean them and try sell them.

Something happened in Box 213 - Dick Destruction involving blood. Who is in the video and what happened?
That was with a slave from Indonesia who came to visit Sydney to be trampled. He was really into cbt/ballbusting. It was the day after I had already trampled him hard with Master Phil (Dice Game 3 & 4), so he was a little sore already but I didn’t go easy on him. This scene the title says it all really. I trampled all over him and his dick carelessly but we had to end it a bit early. I was jumping off the chair onto his dick and after one particularly hard jump, his dick started to bleed. I quickly realised what had happened. Landing with two feet on the dick, the sneakers would go slightly different directions on impact. The skin is very delicate and tore, causing the bleed. When he noticed he started to panic and plead to stop. Next time it will be better to land with just one foot on the dick. He got some blood on my Reebok sneakers and I made him brush it off with his toothbrush, as seen at the end of the video. He messaged me for a week or two after while his dick was healing, saying that it was broken. He was just being dramatic. Funnily enough he wants to do it all again and even harder.. so I wait for him to book his ticket to Sydney again.
Did the blood freak you out?
No it just annoyed me because I knew the session would likely be over as soon as he realised, and sure enough. We couldn't do much more after that.
You mentioned you would be tramplee for a famous trampler, got anyone in mind?
I'd love to get under HQS or frenchtrampler, to feel how they trample but mostly just to say I have been trampled by them. They were my heroes when I first discovered it online, I'll always love the content they had posted.

Have you trampled any famous tramplees?
I trampled Smashman once, back in 2008 approximately. I met him with Josh from He was visiting my city with the german boys extremskater and skatertycoon. We met in his hotel room and trampled and jumped on him for a while. I remember the german boys teaching me how to balance better without holding onto anything while trampling someone. The trick is to not lean forward, but rather keep yourself upright for better balance. This also helps if you're jumping off a chair or table, as we were doing to Smashman.
Are there any photos or vid from this session with him?
I believe there were some pics and maybe a vid taken, but it was on his camera. He passed away from cancer a few years ago so I've never seen them.
Can you tell us a trampling session or story that you haven't told before?
Not a session exactly, but an idea I had a while ago. I wanted to create a trampling coffee table book, filled with photos of hot guys trampling all over others. I decided to do a test shoot - hired a studio and paid a model and roped some foot friends in to help me. The model I actually knew and had met before, so I knew he was open minded to the idea and had no problems with what I wanted to shoot. It was a good test shoot but I realised it would become very expensive having to pay for each shoot like this. This is why I haven't continued with it as yet. If I am able to find some models willing to do this in exchange for something other than money it might work.

I would love to see more of these, I hope you keep going with it.
I'm still very interested to do it, but it might take some time. Perhaps some outdoor locations rather than in studio or hotel space.
Earlier you mentioned the slave who bought you your first pair of sneakers. What were they?
They were a black pair of Adidas NMD. My first NMDs and I loved them, but they were a tiny bit small for my feet so I didn't last too long in them.
He has bought you more pairs too right?
Many pairs over the last few years! I had already met him a few times when he brought the idea up one day in conversation. He proposed a deal that he would get them once I had worn them or had enough of them, whenever that might be. He went on to buy many more pairs of footwear for me, including several Nike pairs, RM Williams boots and my Birkenstocks.

I know other guys have bought you pairs as well, is it the same deal with them?
I have had some guys just buy the footwear outright with no expectation of getting them later. Some just like to see that I am wearing them in content and get a kick out of seeing me trampling others in them. For the most part that is why I don't sell many sneakers as they already are taken.
Do you have any you could sell now?
I do have 2 pairs I could sell at the moment. My black 270s and the old Airmax90s. Both of which are very worn and have featured heavily in my videos over the years, excuse the pun.

Have you ever been involved in findom?
I have dabbled in it and had a few finsubs, but nothing regular. I find it's pretty sporadic and determined by how horny the sub is. When it works well it's great, but otherwise I find it a pretty frustrating experience.
Why frustrating?
It feels like they're actually controlling everything despite me being the one supposed to be in control. In my experience the sub often backs out quickly or changes his mind. Findom is full of so many timewasters, on both sides.
What made you start selling videos on Bentbox?
I was making trampling videos with no intentions of selling them, but I was often paying guys to be in them. I got to a point where I realised I should start selling them to make that money back.

Do you make a lot of money from your videos?
Sometimes I do, but it's nothing to quit my job for. Often it's just covering the costs. It allows me to put time into creating new scenes with guys who I pay to be in them. I am open to covering some of the travel costs if guys travel to Sydney to make videos with me. I rely on visitors to keep my content going, as there are not a lot of tramplees living in Sydney. Occasionally I get asked if there’s any discount codes for Bentbox. I think I’ve done it twice in 7 years, so the answer is usually no. However, here is a new promo code for 25% off which will last for the next 2 weeks, ending on the evening of Friday 13th September 10pm (AEST): gshXL.

How much of trampling is humiliation, how much is the physicality?
When I was younger it was more the physical feeling of it for me, in either position. These days I think it's a solid 50/50. Not everyone is into humiliation but when there's an attitude involved in the scene, maybe some verbal and Master/slave vibe, it makes the session so much better in my opinion.
You've been getting into verbal a lot more it seems, at least in the videos with Master Phil.
He is really good at verbal humiliation, he's definitely had an influence on me. When you're playing with guys like Phil and Jason it's easy to feed off each others energy.

So you enjoy it? Does being verbal make you feel any different while trampling someone?
It adds to the experience. It's a bit of a mind game and feeds into the bully fantasy so many guys have. I definitely enjoy it, makes me feel like more of a dominant so it can be quite powerful. I can treat guys badly with my footwear and weight but also my mouth at the same time. I like that there are guys who really want this treatment. It feels like a taboo which is exciting.
How does the sensation of trampling differ from other forms of physical intimacy or sensation seeking activities for you?
I think for me it's pleasurable pain. Of course you can get pleasurable pain from many other activities, but I only tend to have 'pain' involved with trampling - whether it's stomping, jumps or standing on one spot for a long time.

Many in this community feel like trampling IS their sexuality. How do you relate to that?
I completely relate to that. When I was younger any sort of sexual encounter had to involve feet or footwear in some way, and trampling. As I got more experience and met more guys I have enjoyed more vanilla play, but I still prefer the fetish play over anything else and that will always be the case for me I think.

Why do you think people end up with a trampling fetish?
I would love to understand the psychology of the trampling fetish better, and fetishes in general. I have read a few things here and there but not in depth. It would be interesting to speak to a psychologist specifically about trampling to get their understanding of it. I think in general it is still not exactly known why people come to have any sort of fetish. I once read that the theory about why people have a foot fetish is because the part of the brain that is responsible for the sexual organs is right next to the part that is responsible for feet. They believed the brain was just 'wired' differently. It could explain why the foot fetish is the most common fetish. As for trampling I really have no idea, I've learnt people either seem to be born with it or come to it after some sort of enjoyable introduction. It seems there are a lot of guys who have always had the interest since childhood.

Why do you not show your face in photos or videos?
I think that is an obvious answer... privacy!
Do you travel for trampling sessions?
I get this one all the time. "When are you coming to X city". I don't travel to Europe much at all, it's quite far and expensive.. so when I do it's all about exploring and making the most of my time away versus spending hours in a hotel room trampling. My last big trip in 2019 I managed to meet someone to trample in Madrid, but it was organised very last minute at 3am in the morning. Ultimately, if someone wants to be trampled by me they are more than welcome to come to Sydney where I can trample them. Too far and expensive? Exactly.
Having said that, one day I would love to make it to one of the Milan sneaker/trampling parties that happen every May and November. If and when I'm booked for one of those, you will all know about it because I will post about it the trip relentlessly and try to organise as many sessions as possible.

Do you have any tips on how to approach people for trampling?
Make the most of being online, it's such a good resource for finding trampling opportunities. Be proactive on dating apps and websites. Create profiles that are clear but simple, don't make them too scary with specific requests, ie: 'I want someone to jump off a chair onto me'. Keep it light and see what interest you get. Then when you find the right person, feel them out.. start talking in more detail about what you want. Instagram and Twitter are full of people into this too.
A while back I did a post with ideas on how to find a trampler, you can read it here.
What's your advice for someone just starting out as a tramplee?
Practice. Get under as many guys as you can, work out what you can and can't handle, and then keep practising. If you can't find a trampler near you but there are some tramplees.. meet up with them and trample each other. It's really valuable knowing both sides and it makes the experience better for all involved in my opinion.

Describe trampling in one sentence.
Trampling is a great way to enjoy power imbalance and BDSM, no matter your position.
In your opinion, what is the biggest problem for guys with a trample fetish given how niche it is?
There are not enough of us!
What would you like to see more of in the online worldwide trample community?
More content! Video and also written. The more the better, why not.
Do your friends know about your trample fetish?
Over the years I have told 1 or 2 friends. I think most always knew there was something unusual I was into, but I recently found out that more know about the trampling. I always hid it because I didn't think it would be received very well, but I'm now realising it's not such a big deal.

If there was one thing you could change about the world of trampling, what would it be?
I have two things actually. The first is simple: I'd wish for a lot more guys around the world into trampling. The second, for it to be less of a stigma. To be fair I think a general foot fetish is often met with ridicule or disgust by a lot of people, but if they can't get their heads around a foot fetish there is no way they will be accepting or understanding of a trample fetish.
Whats the most unusual location you've trampled?
There is an old concrete bunker on the edge of a hill near the harbour in Sydney. I once went there with a visiting doormat and trampled him while I enjoyed the view. It was a nice sunny day and also private so no one could see.
Is there something with trampling you haven't tried yet but really want to?
I've always had this fantasy of a room full of tramplees, wall to wall, covering the floor completely. Then I would just walk around the room, my sneakers or boots never touching the floor. Of course the reality would be a little tricky and I would need to strategically place my foot in certain spots so I don't fall over, but it would be a lot of fun.
What celebrity would you most like to be trampled by or trample?
Tom Daley, I'd be happy to do literally anything with him.
Quick fire round to finish. Small tramplee or large tramplee?
Indoor or outdoor trample?
Rough or gentle?
Nike or Adidas?
There are so many more stories from sessions we could have talked about, but it might have to wait for another post. Hopefully you found this interesting!
Find me here:
Instagram: trampl_shwt
Twitter/X: austrampler
i would so dig being under your soles